Build the Perfect Yoga Experience
Hot Yoga Private Classes and Hot HIIT Private Classes



Get Ready to Experience a Practice All Your Own!
Submit the form for our private classes, and we’ll get back to you with available instructors and costs.
Choose who comes, which instructor you want, and what date & time are most convenient for you.
Enjoy a practice that is all your own by yourself or with a group of your close friends.
Private Class FAQs
Within reason, we can make adjustments to the temperature of the room and the humidity if you prefer a slightly warmer or cooler environment or are looking for more or less humidity. Within reason means we won’t increase the temperature beyond what is safe for practicing. We will also have to be mindful of classes that may be scheduled before and after if you are requesting wide variation from the norm.
Yes! Our instructors’ pay varies according to their level of training and experience. Instructors with more training and experience will be more expensive to book.
You absolutely can request that our instructors wear masks or other protective gear. However, some of our instructors choose not to practice or instruct with masks or other protective gear, and we give them the right of refusal. Other instructors are willing to wear protective gear upon participant request. If you request instructors wear protective gear, we will discuss the option with our instructors and let you know if they agree before you make your purchase.
Yes. There is a room + instructor fee for the first participant and then a per person charge for each additional participant for our private sessions.
We thoroughly clean the studio after each use. And because we have a specialized heating, humidity, and safety air filtration system, our expenses do vary based on the amount of time we use those systems.