5 Reasons You Need a Yoga Posture Clinic

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YogaSol > Hot Yoga > 5 Reasons You Need a Yoga Posture Clinic
"Best hot yoga studio ever!"
- Jason H, Old Greenwich

A yoga posture clinic? Who needs that?

In our current electronic society, it’s rare for someone to intuitively understand and practice proper posture and body alignment. We’re constantly hunched over desks. Sitting all day. Looking down at our mobile devices.

All of theses activities can lead to poor posture and poor alignment. In many cases, we end up pain in our arms, shoulders, necks, backs, legs, you name it. As a matter of fact, researchers report that one in five Americans suffer with chronic pain. And it doesn’t have to result from acute injury.

So, it makes sense that not everyone can know how to move their body into flexible yoga poses without instruction.

What is a Yoga Posture Clinic?

In our yoga posture clinics, we come into the hot room and discuss correct posture and body alignment. When we practice yoga, all of these posture and alignment work together to help ease you into a pose without injuring your body. Without proper alignment, it’s difficult to experience the full benefit of the yoga posture.

We’ll also walk through each of the 26 & 2 poses and breaths together. Our yoga expert will show you what you should be feeling in each part of your body. We’ll also discuss how to properly make adjustments to get deeper into the pose, and what might be blocking you from moving to the next level of your practice.

Because we spend more time in our posture clinics, our yoga teachers spend more time giving individual feedback with each pose. We promise to guide you gently. And we can give you specific signs that your body is asking you not to move further at this time.

How Do I Know if I Should Attend a Posture Clinic

At YogaSol, we believe everyone can benefit from a yoga posture clinic. And here are the top 5 reasons most of our members find it beneficial.

  1. You’re new.

    We know what happens. You believe the yoga instagram posts you see. The sleek and slender person contorts their body into positions you didn’t know were physically possible. You’ve never practiced yoga before. Looking at those photos, you might think your body could never get into those positions.We understand yoga classes and poses can feel intimidating for beginners. Especially if you don’t believe you’re particularly limber or flexible.A yoga posture clinic slows everything down. It’s a great way to start your yoga journey in the place that works with your body’s ability on day 1. Our classes usually take 75 – 90 minutes. In our posture clinics we spend hours with you discussing what the postures should feel like, how your body should align, why we do each pose, how to listen to your body, and what alternative positions you can use as your body acclimates to yoga.

    When you come back to class and get into a faster flow, you have a whole body of knowledge to help you work into and out of your positions. You can deepen your practice each class when you understand the fundamentals of posture and alignment.

  2. Injuries hold you back.

    Old sports injuries are part of our history. It’s the reason our founder, former tennis pro Dan Markowitz, embraced yoga and became an instructor years and years ago. We have had the privilege of welcoming many athletes and former athletes into our studio. And most of them are either dealing with an injury, struggling with an old injury, or worried about causing an injury with their sports.Women’s FIFA Soccer pro, England World Cup Bronze Winner 2015, and current Sky Sports football commentator Lianne Sanderson came to us in the middle of an injury that benched her soccer career for a period of time. During her physical rehab, yoga helped her work her mind and body, without further physical injury.

    We’ve welcomed many other former and current athletes into our community.

    “I had a lot of knee surgeries playing sports over the years, and yoga is the one thing which has been tremendously a huge benefit for my knees and my flexibility.”   STEVE

    Don’t let injuries keep you from yoga. Our posture clinic will give you individualized feedback to help you protect any injuries. Our instructors can also point out specific postures that might help you reduce pain and regain strength due to previous injuries.

  3. The yoga struggle is real.

    If you’ve practiced yoga for any time at all, you’ll identify with this one. All of us have encountered one or two or maybe a host of poses that we just can’t seem to master. We make progress the more we practice with other poses, but then there are some that we just wish the instructor would leave out of the class. That can feel FRUSTRATING!If this is you, the posture clinic is absolutely the right fit. Our posture clinics are a safe place to air your grievances with particular postures, so you can open yourself to the possibility of a new perspective. The mind leads the body. And sometimes we need to face our frustration before we can embrace a posture and all the benefits it has to offer.

    Our yoga instructors will work with you on specific postures. They can point out what might be blocking your ability to find release and benefit in the posture. And they can help you give yourself some grace and embrace what you thought you’d never be able to accomplish.

  4. You’ve hit a plateau.

    So you’re a long time yogi. You get the ups and downs of your practice. You even understand some days are better than others. And postures work well for your sometimes and sometimes they don’t. However, for the most part, you have made progress over the years. You’ve found more joy, more peace, greater flexibility, and less pain in your practice.Until one day, you didn’t anymore…

    That’s a familiar story. Cycles occur in almost every part of life. That includes your yoga practice. But if you’ve been stuck in a plateau for a while, and you can’t meditate your way out, our yoga posture clinic can help.

    Many times we all need a boost from an expert to coach us off of that plateau to the next level of our practice.

  5. Get 100% or bust.

    Many members feel great about their practice. They consistently make progress, and they experience deeper postures every class. And yet, they have a sneaking suspicion there might be more available to them. They just don’t know what they don’t know.One of the most fun ways to approach a posture clinic includes a little mystery. The exciting part of the experience is discovering the unknown. Even our most experienced yoga members grow deeper into their knowledge and practice in our posture clinics. Some of our members will NOT miss a clinic.

    If adventure, learning, and discovery light you up, join us for one of our posture clinics.



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